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BFA Furniture Design

Carlijn Haringsma

Collaborative making

This project is an investigation in collaborative making as a way of shaping of our environment. In these moments of making it is not merely human beings involved, also the space with its inhabitants and the materials take part. I think we can learn from moments where we come together and make, everyone with their experience and knowledge. It makes me curious to see what happens in moments that are undefined from the start.

On a sunny Friday afternoon I arranged a workshop, with a couple of students we build a bench at the Glomeserudsberget, a viewpoint in Dalsland. The qualities that the place has to offer and the wishes and needs of visitors were leading in this process. The bench is a little hidden, build on a slope and leaning against a rock formation. While sitting you can dangle your legs and stare into the distance. After the workshop, I translated the characteristics of this bench into a prototype. It is an invitation to sit and daydream.