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Master Film

Jacob Sweep

Tryvoha – Тривога (20 min)

En filmskapare i Sverige och en brandman i Ukraina knyter starka band genom sina kontakter på nätet. På grund av värnpliktsåldern kan brandmannen, trots sina ambitioner, inte lämna sitt land. När filmskaparen får möjlighet att resa till Ukraina bestämmer sig de två för att träffas personligen för första gången.

När filmskaparen ger sig ut på sin resa lyssnar han till sin väns minnen och drömmar samtidigt som han kämpar med en känsla av normalitet trots det oundvikliga faktum att det pågår ett krig. Filmens titel Tryvoha är ett ukrainskt ord som betyder ”larm” eller ”ångest”, och som samtidigt syftar på ljudet av ett flyglarm och den känsla som följer med det.

Texten finns bara tillgänglig på engelska.

Artist statement
After the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, Jacob Sweep became fixated on observing the events unfolding online in near-real time. There, the spectators, perpetrators, and victims come into direct contact with each other. The online space forms a deceptive sense of equality, a leveling of experiences, despite vastly disparate realities and unequal positions.

The filmic work Tryvoha is an outcome of Jacob’s attempt to understand his own experience as an observer and close the distance between himself and his friend, a firefighter in a heavily affected region of Ukraine. The aim of the film is to move past the disillusionment Jacob himself felt when consuming war media and reconsider the immediacy and spectacle of the mediated war, moving towards a more reflective, compassionate depiction with hopes of creating a deeper feeling of empathy, instilling a longer lasting impact.  

Jacob Sweep is a trans filmmaker from the Netherlands and Canada. He has developed his practice with the aim of engaging with major questions faced by the world today such as digital privacy, human-nature relationships, and, currently, the mediatization of war. In his films, the environments they’re set in and how the people in it relate to it play a key role. Jacob Sweep graduated with a BFA in Design + Change from Linnaeus University with his first short film in 2018. He then worked as a director as well as in the camera and editorial departments for several years before pursuing an MFA in film at HDK-Valand.