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Kandidat Metallgestaltning

Adam Kminiak

Those Who Haunt Us – Time Daemon

Den här texten är bara tillgänglig på engelska.

In my exam project I delve into the depths of my mind. I explore its darkest corners and try to come out of them as a new person. I face one of my inner daemons which is time, or as I call it “The Time Daemon”. I observe myself from the third person point of view and examine myself almost as a specimen in a laboratory. I strive to find a way to access the daemon, harness its power which can be very destructive and learn how to use it for my benefit. I created a sculptural piece which represents the daemon itself and a sword which is a compressed essence of the daemon represented by a tool that is commonly a symbol of power, resistance, strength and requires a lot of training to be used effectively. In my work I see the sword as an object with which it is possible to control and use the daemon itself as my own tool. My big question is however, will I be able to handle the sword once my work is done? Will I overcome the daemon?