Sum of Betwixt
A dreamscape saga of dwelling in the in-between.
I position myself with the emotional and sensual parts within ourselves. As a sentient being. I want to evoke and be in the emotion and find resonance in the dissonance.
The dreamscape is the space you’re in when you’ve accepted that it’s impossible to return to the sleeping world of dreams, but still yearn to get as close as you can. To mystery and wonder, imaginaries unfolding. Sum of Betwixt wants to gently remind people of the act of dwelling within themselves, through my own personal narrative of dreams. It is about highlighting the truths emerging from emotional knowledge over the more validated scientific and rational ones. In order to dwell in the dreamscape I’ve worked with narratives of animation, audio and crocheting by methods of collecting, repetition and resonation. The Projection, The Sound and The Crochet: Construction offers an immersion into another level of consciousness while presenting a space of this enticement, enabling an embodied mind-wandering experience, and subtly suggested to create your own constellations of resonances.
Let’s embrace the weirdness of the unknown.