Taktilitet i vardagen
Tactility in everyday life is a project exploring touch, form and the hand. Our world is designed with most focus on sight. The project is a comment on today’s distancing to our other senses.
The project has explored which tactile surfaces, shapes and materials we humans are drawn to, but also how an object can be designed to provide a tactile experience that creates presence. The project argues that presence is about being in the moment with your whole body and all your senses. The exploration was done by observing people in public spaces to see where they touched with their hands. The method used was to touch surfaces in public spaces with my hands to find out what the hand liked and not. The information gathered from the exploration was then taken into a process of exploring shape in clay and by letting the hand make the design decisions of what felt nice and not.
The result is three different door handles and a start of an exploration of the subject of tactility. The final shapes of the handles were made by using the movement of opening the door. The door handles will be polished, and the paint will be worn off by people’s hands as they pass through the door. Everyone passing through the door will be a part of the making of the door handles. Touching a surface that has been polished by other people’s hands makes you feel connected to those who have touched the surface before. This creates presence. The project argues that if we design using multiple senses, not just sight, and involve people in the process, we can create a more caring world, one that is adapted to real people and real situations.